Ouroboros || Mixed Signals

You know what they say, better late than later! In this episode we get a peak behind the curtain of OSU, Mixed Signals, and most terrifying of all: Big Trenchcoat.



Benny Declassified

Written and Directed by Danny Zahariev

Starring Kaylene McLaughlin as Jo Skipps

Danny Zahariev as Security Guard

Camera/Audio: Ben Delzer

Edited by: Gigi Baldonado


TikTok War Room

Written and Directed by Harrison Cordle

Starring Harrison Cordle as Erick Choke

Recorded and Edited by Harrison Cordle


Mixed Signals Roadmap

Directed by Gabe Reitzes

Written by Gabe Reitzes and Ben Delzer

Starring Gabe Reitzes as Himself

Camera: Ben Delzer

Audio/Engineer: KC Crandal

Editing/Graphics by Gabe Reitzes


Graphics by Eva Siffert

Animation by Vincent Spencer

Produced by Gabe Reitzes



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