Geeking Out About It E5 – Disney

In this week’s episode of Geeking Out About It: Our hosts tackle the giant that is Disney. It’s an enormous topic, with huge potential, so make sure to pay attention!

Produced by Austin and Sam Kuns

Hosted by Sam Kuns, Jacob Wolff, and Nadia Shaik

Directed by Zac Cummings

Crewed by:

Gabe Reitzes – Technical Director

Josh Elliott – Floor Director

Alissa Liu – Audio 1

Max Fuller – Audio 2

Nadia Shaik – prompter

Angelina Macca – Graphics Operator

Thank you to all our wonderful crew.

If you like this episode, be sure to check out all of KBVR-TV’s other amazing content on this very channel! And if you have ideas for topics or segments you’d like to see the Geeks cover, let us know by commenting down below. We hope to hear from you!

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