Geeking Out About It: The Twilight Zone

As the Geeks prepare for the first live broadcast with the new hosts, something strange happens that may stop them from ever going live again.

Special thanks to all the volunteers who helped make this episode possible!

Producer: Chance Giguiere

Director: Sam Kuns

Writer: Harrison Cordle

Starring: Cailin Goldman, Kaylene McLaughlin, Austin Kuns, Harrison Cordle, Gabe Reitzes, Connor Keady

Cameras: Ann Matie Bottita, Kate Crandal, Sam Kuns, Kate Zaine, Danny Zahariev

Sound: Alissa Liu, Vincent Spencer, Marigold Bandonado, Cole Keady

Engineers: Emma Savering, Alden Micklavzina

Editors: Cole Keady, Harrison Cordle, Marigold Baldonado, Timur Ermoshkin, Gabe Reitzes


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